1000+ Matajis Supported 100000+ Grocery Kits Distributed 30000+ Blankets

Asima Das Mataji

Asima Das Mataji is residing in Radha Kund since past 22 years. She came her to do bhajan.Her husband is no more, nobody is taking care of her. She stays in a rented house.

Origin - West Bengal

Medical History - High blood pressure

Age - 57

Asima Das Mataji

Karuna Mataji

Karuna mataji is residing in Vrindavan Since past 40 years. She came from her home town due to her financial condition.

Medical history - Heart disease


करुणा माता जी

Maya Mataji

Maya mataji is residing in Vrindavan since past 40 yrs. Nobody is there in her family to look after her.

Origin- Birbhum

Medical history- Knee pain


माया माताजी

माया माताजी पिछले 40 वर्षों से वृन्दावन में निवास कर रही हैं। उसके परिवार में उसकी देखभाल करने वाला कोई नहीं है। उद्गम- बीरभूम मेडिकल इतिहास- घुटने का दर्द उम्र-70

Krishna Dasi Mataji

Krishna dasi mataji is residing in Vrindavan since past 25 yrs.Her husband is no more and son doesn't take care of her.

Origin- Kolkata

Medical history- Diabetes, Breathing problem


कृष्ण दासी माता जी

कृष्णा दासी माताजी पिछले 25 वर्षों से वृन्दावन में निवास कर रही हैं। उनके पति अब इस दुनिया में नहीं हैं और बेटा उनकी देखभाल नहीं करता है। उत्पत्ति- कोलकाता चिकित्सा इतिहास- मधुमेह, सांस लेने में समस्या उम्र-65

Bhagwati Mataji

Bhagwati mataji was thrown out of her house by her son after her husband's death. She came to Vrindavan 10yrs back.

Origin- Kolkata


भगवती माताजी

भगवती माताजी को उनके पति की मृत्यु के बाद उनके बेटे ने घर से बाहर निकाल दिया था। वह 10 साल पहले वृन्दावन आई थीं। उद्गम-कोलकाता उम्र-80

Usha Mataji

Usha mataji is residing in Vrindavan since 15 years. She had to come here due to her financial condition.

Origin- W.B


उषा माताजी

उषा माताजी 15 वर्षों से वृन्दावन में निवास कर रही हैं। अपनी आर्थिक स्थिति के कारण उन्हें यहां आना पड़ा। उत्पत्ति- डब्ल्यू.बी उम्र-65

Sanchita Mataji

Sanchita mataji is staying in Vrindavan Since past 26 yrs. Her husband is no more and son doesn't take care of her.

Origin- Murshidabad


संचिता माताजी

संचिता माताजी पिछले 26 वर्षों से वृन्दावन में रह रही हैं। उनके पति अब नहीं रहे और बेटा उनकी देखभाल नहीं करता. उद्गम- मुर्शिदाबाद उम्र-45

Minu Mataji

Minu mataji was thrown out of the house by her son and daughter in law. Her husband is also not taking care of her.

Origin- Nainital

Age- 55

मीनू माताजी

मीनू माताजी को उनके बेटे और बहू ने घर से बाहर निकाल दिया। उसका पति भी उसकी देखभाल नहीं कर रहा है. उद्गम-नैनीताल उम्र- 55

Urmila Mataji

Urmila mataji is residing in Vrindavan since past 40 yrs. Her husband is no more. She is staying in a rented house.

Origin- Kolkata


उर्मिला माताजी

उर्मिला माताजी पिछले 40 वर्षों से वृन्दावन में निवास कर रही हैं। उनके पति अब नहीं रहे. वह किराये के मकान में रह रही है. उद्गम-कोलकाता उम्र-65

Radha Mataji

Radha mataji is residing in Vrindavan since past 18 years along with her family. Her husband is not able to work.

Origin- Kolkata

Age- 47

राधा माताजी

राधा माताजी अपने परिवार सहित पिछले 18 वर्षों से वृन्दावन में निवास कर रही हैं। उसका पति काम नहीं कर पाता. उद्गम-कोलकाता उम्र- 47

Saraswati Mataji

Saraswati mataji is residing in Vrindavan since past 30 years. Her husband is no more. Son doesn't take care of her.

Origin- Nabadwip

Age- 75

सरस्वती माताजी

सरस्वती माताजी पिछले 30 वर्षों से वृन्दावन में निवास कर रही हैं। उनके पति अब नहीं रहे. बेटा उसकी देखभाल नहीं करता. उद्गम- नवद्वीप उम्र- 75

Saraswati Mataji

Saraswati mataji got married in Vrindavan. She is staying here since past 45 years. Her husband is no more.

Origin - Nabadwip

Age- 65

सरस्वती माताजी

सरस्वती माताजी का विवाह वृन्दावन में हुआ। वह पिछले 45 साल से यहीं रह रही हैं। उनके पति अब नहीं रहे. उद्गम - नवद्वीप उम्र- 65

Sumitra Mataji

Sumitra Mataji came to Vrindavan 27yrs back. She doesn't have anyone to look after her. She stays here in a temple.

Origin - Nainital


सुमित्रा माताजी

सुमित्रा माताजी 27 वर्ष पहले वृन्दावन आईं थीं। उसकी देखभाल करने वाला कोई नहीं है. वह यहां एक मंदिर में रहती है. उद्गम-नैनीताल उम्र-70

Alorani Mataji

Alorani mataji is residing in Vrindavan since past 15 years. Her husband is not taking care of her and she doesn't have any son.


Age- 57

अलोराणी माताजी

अलोराणी माताजी पिछले 15 वर्षों से वृन्दावन में निवास कर रही हैं। उसका पति उसकी देखभाल नहीं करता और उसका कोई बेटा भी नहीं है. उद्गम-झारखंड उम्र- 57

Arati Mataji

Arati mataji was harassed by her son. She left her house and came to Vrindavan 20yrs back. She is staying in a rented house and somehow manages her living.

Origin- Purulia

Medical history- knee pain


आरती माताजी

आरती माताजी को उनके बेटे ने परेशान किया था। वह 20 साल पहले अपना घर छोड़कर वृन्दावन आ गईं। वह किराए के मकान में रहकर किसी तरह अपना गुजारा करती है। उद्गम- पुरुलिया मेडिकल इतिहास- घुटने का दर्द उम्र-70

Krishnadasi mataji

Krishnadasi mataji is in Vrindavan Since past 25yrs. Her husband is no more and her son doesn't take care of her.



कृष्णदासी माताजी

कृष्णदासी माताजी पिछले 25 वर्षों से वृन्दावन में हैं। उनके पति अब नहीं रहे. उसका बेटा उसकी देखभाल नहीं करता. उद्गम-हावड़ा उम्र-74

Anni Mataji

Anni mataji is residing in Vrindavan since past 15years. She is unmarried and doesn't have anybody in her family.

Origin- Bodyache

Medical history-W.B


अन्नी माताजी

अन्नी माताजी पिछले 15 वर्षों से वृन्दावन में निवास कर रही हैं। वह अविवाहित है और उसके परिवार में कोई नहीं है। उत्पत्ति- बदन दर्द चिकित्सा इतिहास-डब्ल्यू.बी उम्र-65


Mita mataji is residing in Vrindavan since past 7 years. She had to come here as her husband married another woman.

Origin- Mednipore

Age- 59

मीता माताजी

मीता माताजी पिछले 7 वर्षों से वृन्दावन में निवास कर रही हैं। उसे यहां आना पड़ा क्योंकि उसके पति ने दूसरी महिला से शादी कर ली थी। उद्गम- मेदनीपुर उम्र- 59

Vandana Mataji

Vandana mataji is residing in Vrindavan since past 45 years along with her family.

Origin- Nabadwip

Medical history- Diabetes & High B.P

 Age- 54

वंदना माताजी

वंदना माताजी अपने परिवार के साथ पिछले 45 वर्षों से वृन्दावन में निवास कर रही हैं। उद्गम- नवद्वीप चिकित्सा इतिहास- मधुमेह और उच्च बी.पी. उम्र- 54

Sunita Mataji

Sunita mataji is residing in Vrindavan along with her husband since past 60 years.

Origin- Kolkata

Medical Issues- Fever


सुनीता माताजी

सुनीता माताजी पिछले 60 वर्षों से अपने पति के साथ वृन्दावन में निवास कर रही हैं। उद्गम-कोलकाता चिकित्सीय मुद्दे - बुखार उम्र-88

Maya Mataji

Maya mataji shifted to Vrindavan soon after her marriage. It's been almost 55 years she is here. Her husband is no more. She somehow manages her living.

Origin- W.B.

Medical history- Diabetes, high b.p.

Age- 70

माया माताजी

माया माताजी अपनी शादी के तुरंत बाद वृन्दावन चली गईं। उन्हें यहां रहते हुए करीब 55 साल हो गए हैं. उनके पति अब नहीं रहे. वह किसी तरह अपना गुजारा चलाती है. उत्पत्ति- डब्ल्यू.बी. चिकित्सा इतिहास- मधुमेह, उच्च बी.पी. उम्र- 70

Chhaya Mataji

Chhaya mataji is residing in Vrindavan since past 50 years.

Origin- Kolkata

Medical history- Body ache


छाया माताजी

छाया माताजी पिछले 50 वर्षों से वृन्दावन में निवास कर रही हैं। उद्गम-कोलकाता मेडिकल इतिहास- शरीर में दर्द उम्र-70

Tula Mataji

Tula mataji is in Vrindavan since past 50 years. Her husband is no more.

Origin- W.B

Medical history- Back Ache, knee pain

Age- 60

तुला माताजी

तुला माताजी पिछले 50 वर्षों से वृन्दावन में हैं। उनके पति अब नहीं रहे. उत्पत्ति- डब्ल्यू.बी. मेडिकल इतिहास- पीठ दर्द, घुटने में दर्द उम्र- 60

Rita Mataji

Rita mataji is in Vrindavan since past 30 years. Due to her financial condition she came here.

Origin- Sunderban

Medical history- knee pain & headache

Age- 53

रीता माताजी

रीता माताजी पिछले 30 वर्षों से वृन्दावन में हैं। अपनी आर्थिक स्थिति के कारण वह यहां आ गई। उद्गम- सुंदरबन चिकित्सा इतिहास- घुटने का दर्द और सिरदर्द उम्र- 53

Sandhya Mataji

Sandhya Mataji came to Vrindavan 7years back. Her husband is no more.

Origin- W.B.

Media history - Diabetes


संध्या माताजी

संध्या माताजी 7 वर्ष पहले वृन्दावन आईं। उनके पति अब नहीं रहे. उत्पत्ति- डब्ल्यू.बी. मीडिया इतिहास - मधुमेह उम्र-65

Himani Dasi Mataji

Himani Dasi Mataji is residing in Radha Kund since past 10 years. She came her to do bhajan. Her son doesn't take care of her. She stays in a rented house.

Origin - Kolkata

Medical History - Low blood pressure, bodyache

Age - 68

Himani Dasi Mataji

Gita Rani Dasi Mataji

Gita Rani Dasi Mataji is residing in Radha Kund since 5 years along with her son. Her husband is no more. She came her to do bhajan. She stays in a rented house.

Medical History - Body pain

Age - 70

Gita Rani Dasi Mataji

Sandhya Mondal

Sandhya Mondal is residing in a Radha Kund since past 7 years. She came her to do bhajan. Her husband is no more and her son doesn't take care of her. She stays in a rented house.

Medical History - High blood pressure 

Age - 64

Sandhya Mondal

Nilima Dasi Mataji

Nilima Dasi Mataji is residing in a Radha Kund since past 15 years. Her husband is no more. She stays in a rented house.  

Origin - Kolkata

Medical History - Tumor, Weakness, bodyache

Age -  60

Nilima Dasi Mataji

Alorani Das Mataji

Alorani Das Mataji is residing in a Radha Kund since past 2 years. She stays in a rented house.

Origin - West Bengal

Medical History - Bodyache

Age - 70

Alorani Das Mataji

Namita Sarkar Mataji

Namita Sarkar Mataji is residing in a Radha Kund since past 7 years. She came here to do bhajan. Her husband doesn't take care of her.

Origin - Nainital

Medical History - Bodyache, Tumor

Namita Sarkar Mataji

Niyati Bhalla Mataji

Niyati Bhalla Mataji has been residing in Vrindavan for the past 6 years. Her husband is no more. She stays in a rented house.

Origin - Murshidabad

Medical History - Body pain

Origin - 60

Niyati Bhalla Mataji

Krishn Mataji

Krishn mataji is residing in Vrindavan since past 35 years. Her son doesn't talk to her. She somehow manages her living.

Origin - Malda


कृष्णा माताजी

कृष्णा माताजी पिछले 35 वर्षों से वृन्दावन में निवास कर रही हैं। उसका बेटा उससे बात नहीं करता. वह किसी तरह अपना गुजारा चलाती है. उद्गम स्थल - मालदा उम्र-65

Venu Dasi Mataji

Venu Dasi Mataji has been residing in Vrindavan for the past 15 years. Her husband is no more. She stays in a rented house.

Age - 75

Venu Dasi Mataji

Tara Mataji

Tara mataji is residing in Vrindavan since past 19 years. Her husband is no more.

Origin - Nainital

Medical history- Diabetes, Thyroid, High B.P.

Age- 59

तारा माताजी

तारा माताजी पिछले 19 वर्षों से वृन्दावन में निवास कर रही हैं। उनके पति अब नहीं रहे. उद्गम-नैनीताल चिकित्सा इतिहास- मधुमेह, थायराइड, हाई बी.पी. उम्र- 59

Josna Mataji

Josna mataji is in Vrindavan since past 20 years. Her husband is no more.

Origin- W.B

Medical history- Weakness


जोस्ना माताजी

जोस्ना माताजी पिछले 20 वर्षों से वृन्दावन में हैं। उनके पति अब नहीं रहे. उत्पत्ति- डब्ल्यू.बी. चिकित्सा इतिहास- कमजोरी उम्र-71

Amawati Mataji

Amawati mataji is residing in Vrindavan since past 15 years. Her husband is no more. Nobody else is in family to take care of her.

Origin - Nainital


अमावती माताजी

अमावती माताजी पिछले 15 वर्षों से वृन्दावन में निवास कर रही हैं। उनके पति अब नहीं रहे. परिवार में उसकी देखभाल करने वाला कोई नहीं है। उद्गम-नैनीताल उम्र-72

Binda Mataji

Binda mataji is residing in Vrindavan since past 15 years. She stays here with her husband.

Origin- Purulia

Medical history- knee pain, back pain

Age- 69

बिंदा माताजी

बिंदा माताजी पिछले 15 वर्षों से वृन्दावन में निवास कर रही हैं। वह यहां अपने पति के साथ रहती है. उद्गम- पुरुलिया चिकित्सा इतिहास- घुटने का दर्द, पीठ दर्द उम्र- 69

Malti Mataji

Malti mataji is in Vrindavan since past 22 years. Her husband is no more. She stays here in a rented house.

Origin- Uttrakhand

Medical history- Diabetes, B.P.


मालती माताजी

मालती माताजी पिछले 22 वर्षों से वृन्दावन में हैं। उनके पति अब नहीं रहे. वह यहां किराये के मकान में रहती है. उद्गम-उत्तराखंड चिकित्सा इतिहास- मधुमेह, बी.पी. उम्र-72

Asha Devi Mataji

Asha Devi mataji is in Vrindavan since past 50 years. Her husband is no more. She somehow manages her living.

Origin - Murshidabad

Medical history- Bodyache, B.P.

Age- 75

आशा देवी माताजी

आशा देवी माताजी पिछले 50 वर्षों से वृन्दावन में हैं। उनके पति अब नहीं रहे. वह किसी तरह अपना गुजारा चलाती है. उद्गम स्थल - मुर्शिदाबाद चिकित्सा इतिहास- बदन दर्द, बी.पी. उम्र- 75

Basanti Mataji

Basanti mataji is in Vrindavan since past 30 years.

Origin- W.B.

Medical history- Hearing problem


बसंती माताजी

बसंती माताजी पिछले 30 वर्षों से वृन्दावन में हैं। उत्पत्ति- डब्ल्यू.बी. मेडिकल इतिहास- सुनने में समस्या उम्र-71

Sarala Mataji

Sarala mataji came to Vrindavan due to her financial condition. Her husband is no more. She is staying since past 50 years.

Origin- shantipur

Medical history- Body pain, blurry vision


सरला माताजी

सरला माताजी अपनी आर्थिक स्थिति के कारण वृन्दावन आ गईं। उनके पति अब नहीं रहे. वह पिछले 50 साल से रह रही हैं। उद्गम-शांतिपुर मेडिकल इतिहास- बदन दर्द, धुंधली दृष्टि उम्र-79

Rekha Mataji

Rekha mataji is in Vrindavan since past 40 years. She came here after her husband's death.

Origin- Nadiya

Medical history- Body pain, Breathing problem

Age- 69

रेखा माताजी

रेखा माताजी पिछले 40 वर्षों से वृन्दावन में हैं। पति की मौत के बाद वह यहां आ गईं। उद्गम- नदिया मेडिकल इतिहास- बदन दर्द, सांस लेने में दिक्कत उम्र- 69

Madhvi Mataji

Madhvi mataji is in Vrindavan since past 35 years. She had to come here due to her financial condition. Her husband is no more. Her son is not capable enough to take care of her.

Origin- W.B.

Medical history- Back pain

Age- 74

माधवी माताजी

माधवी माताजी पिछले 35 वर्षों से वृन्दावन में हैं। अपनी आर्थिक स्थिति के कारण उन्हें यहां आना पड़ा। उनके पति अब नहीं रहे. उसका बेटा इतना सक्षम नहीं है कि उसकी देखभाल कर सके. उत्पत्ति- डब्ल्यू.बी. चिकित्सीय इतिहास- पीठ दर्द उम्र- 7

Supriya Mataji

Supriya mataji had to leave her house and come to Vrindavan due to her financial condition. She is here since past 20 years. She stays in a rented house and pays her rent by doing bhajan.

Origin- U.P.

Medical history- Heart Problem, Back pain, High B.P.

Age- 72

सुप्रिया माताजी

सुप्रिया माताजी को अपनी आर्थिक स्थिति के कारण अपना घर छोड़कर वृन्दावन आना पड़ा। वह पिछले 20 साल से यहीं हैं. वह किराए के मकान में रहती है और भजन करके अपना किराया चुकाती है। उद्गम- उ.प्र. मेडिकल इतिहास- हृदय की समस्या, पीठ दर्द, हाई बी.पी. उम्र- 72

Minnati Mataji

Minnati mataji came to Vrindavan 16 years back along with her husband. Her husband is not able to earn due to his medical condition. She somehow manages her living.

Origin- shantipur

Medical history- knee pain

Age- 67

मिन्नती माताजी

मिन्नती माताजी 16 वर्ष पहले अपने पति के साथ वृन्दावन आईं थीं। उनके पति अपनी मेडिकल स्थिति के कारण कमाने में सक्षम नहीं हैं। वह किसी तरह अपना गुजारा चलाती है. उद्गम-शांतिपुर मेडिकल इतिहास- घुटने का दर्द उम्र- 67

Purnima Mataji

Purnima Mataji is residing Vrindavan since past 30 years. She came here to do bhajan.

Origin- Nadiya

Medical history- High B.P., Diabetes, unable to walk properly

Age- 76

पूर्णिमा माताजी

पूर्णिमा माताजी पिछले 30 वर्षों से वृन्दावन में निवास कर रही हैं। वह यहां भजन करने आई थीं. उद्गम- नदिया चिकित्सा इतिहास- हाई बी.पी., मधुमेह, ठीक से चलने में असमर्थ उम्र- 76

Kamla Mataji

Kamla Mataji is in Vrindavan since past 15 years. Nobody is in her family to take care of her.

Origin- W.B.

Medical history- Low B.P


कमला माताजी

कमला माताजी पिछले 15 वर्षों से वृन्दावन में हैं। उसके परिवार में उसकी देखभाल करने वाला कोई नहीं है। उत्पत्ति- डब्ल्यू.बी. चिकित्सा इतिहास- निम्न बी.पी. उम्र-72

Minti Mataji

Minti mataji is in Vrindavan since past 14 years. Her son doesn't take care of her. Her husband is suffering from brain cancer. Nobody else is there to take care of her.

Origin- Nainital

Medical history- low B.P.

Age- 53

मिनती माताजी

मिनती माताजी पिछले 14 वर्षों से वृन्दावन में हैं। उसका बेटा उसकी देखभाल नहीं करता. उनके पति ब्रेन कैंसर से पीड़ित हैं. उसकी देखभाल करने वाला कोई और नहीं है. उद्गम-नैनीताल चिकित्सा इतिहास- निम्न बी.पी. उम्र- 53

Basanti Mataji

Basanti mataji is residing in Vrindavan since long.

Origin- Sunderban

Medical history- heart problem, B.P.


बसंती माताजी

बसंती माताजी लंबे समय से वृन्दावन में निवास कर रही हैं। उद्गम- सुंदरबन मेडिकल इतिहास- हृदय की समस्या, बी.पी. उम्र-88

Sadhana Mataji

Sadhana mataji is residing in Vrindavan since past 30 years along with her husband. She came here to do bhajan.

Origin- kolkata

Medical history- Heart Problem


साधना माताजी

साधना माताजी अपने पति के साथ पिछले 30 वर्षों से वृन्दावन में निवास कर रही हैं। वह यहां भजन करने आई थीं उद्गम-कोलकाता चिकित्सा इतिहास- हृदय संबंधी समस्या उम्र-65

Urmila Mataji

Urmila mataji is residing in Vrindavan since past 15 years. She came here to do bhajan.

Origin - Nainital

Age - 66

उर्मिला माताजी

उर्मिला माताजी पिछले 15 वर्षों से वृन्दावन में निवास कर रही हैं। वह यहां भजन करने आई थीं. उद्गम-नैनीताल उम्र- 66

Nayantara Mataji

Nayantara mataji is residing in Vrindavan since past 6 years. Her husband is not capable enough to take care of her.

Origin - U.P.

Medical history- Blurry Vision


नयनतारा माताजी

नयनतारा माताजी पिछले 6 वर्षों से वृन्दावन में निवास कर रही हैं। उसका पति इतना सक्षम नहीं है कि उसकी देखभाल कर सके. उद्गम - उ.प्र. चिकित्सा इतिहास- धुंधली दृष्टि उम्र-63

Garobani Mataji

Garobani mataji is in Vrindavan since past 15 years. Her husband is ans son is no more.

Origin - Kolkata

Medical history- Back pain


गरोबणी माताजी

गरोबणी माताजी पिछले 15 वर्षों से वृन्दावन में हैं। उनके पति और बेटा अब नहीं रहे। उद्गम - कोलकाता चिकित्सीय इतिहास- पीठ दर्द उम्र-64

Beli Mataji

Beli mataji is residing in Vrindavan since past 14 years along with her husband.

Origin- Birbhum

Medical history- low B.P., Bodyache

Age- 54

बेली माताजी

बेली माताजी अपने पति के साथ पिछले 14 वर्षों से वृन्दावन में निवास कर रही हैं। उद्गम- बीरभूम मेडिकल इतिहास- लो बी.पी., बदन दर्द उम्र- 54

Jamuna Mataji

Jamuna mataji is in Vrindavan since past 14 years. Her husband is no more and family members were not taking care of her.

Origin- Aligarh

Medical History - Brain problems

Age- 74

जमुना माताजी

जमुना माताजी पिछले 14 वर्षों से वृन्दावन में हैं। उनके पति अब नहीं रहे और परिवार के सदस्य उनकी देखभाल नहीं कर रहे थे। उद्गम-अलीगढ़ चिकित्सा इतिहास - मस्तिष्क संबंधी समस्याएं उम्र- 74

Chandana Mataji

Chandana mataji is in Vrindavan since past 15 years along with her family. She came to do bhajan.

Origin - Kolkata

Medical history- low pressure

चंदना माताजी

चंदना माताजी अपने परिवार के साथ पिछले 15 वर्षों से वृन्दावन में हैं। वह भजन करने आई थी. उद्गम - कोलकाता चिकित्सा इतिहास- कम दबाव

Lalita Mataji

Lalita mataji is residing in Vrindavan since past 30 years. Nobody in her family take care of her.

Origin- Orissa

Age- 70

ललिता माताजी

ललिता माताजी पिछले 30 वर्षों से वृन्दावन में निवास कर रही हैं। उसके परिवार में कोई भी उसकी देखभाल नहीं करता। उत्पत्ति - उड़ीसा उम्र- 70

Minu Mataji

Minu mataji is residing in Vrindavan since past 9 years.


मीनू माताजी

मीनू माताजी पिछले 9 वर्षों से वृन्दावन में निवास कर रही हैं। उम्र-47

Manju Sharma

Manju sharma is in Vrindavan since past 5 years.

Origin- W.B

Medical history- Migraine


मंजू शर्मा

मंजू शर्मा पिछले 5 साल से वृन्दावन में हैं। उत्पत्ति- डब्ल्यू.बी चिकित्सा इतिहास- माइग्रेन उम्र-60

Maya Mataji

Maya mataji is residing in Vrindavan since 2003. She is staying in a rented house and paying her rent by doing bhajan.

Origin- Kolkata

Medical history- Diabetes


माया माताजी

माया माताजी 2003 से वृन्दावन में निवास कर रही हैं। वह किराए के मकान में रहती हैं और भजन करके अपना किराया चुकाती हैं। उद्गम-कोलकाता चिकित्सा इतिहास- मधुमेह उम्र-64

Janki Mataji

Janki Mataji is residing in Vrindavan there childhood.

Age - 80

जानकी माताजी

जानकी माताजी बचपन से ही वृन्दावन में निवास कर रही हैं। उम्र- 80

Minnati Mataji

Minnati mataji is residing in Vrindavan since past 12 years back. She came here to do bhajan.

Origin - Kolkata

Medical history- Body ache

Age- 77

मिन्नती माताजी

मिन्नती माताजी पिछले 12 वर्ष पूर्व से वृन्दावन में निवास कर रही हैं। वह यहां भजन करने आई थीं उद्गम - कोलकाता मेडिकल इतिहास- शरीर में दर्द उम्र- 77

Pratima Sarkar Mataji

Pratima Sarkar Mataji is residing in a Radha Kund since past 12 years. She came here to do bhajan. She stays in a rented house and pays her rent by doing bhajan.

Origin - West bengal

Medical history - Thyroid, high blood pressure, etc

Age - 72

Pratima Sarkar Mataji

Gita Mataji

Gita mataji came to Vrindavan along with her husband since past 10 years. Her son doesn't take care of her.

Origin- Kolkata

Medical history- Body ache


गीता माताजी

गीता माताजी पिछले 10 वर्षों से अपने पति के साथ वृन्दावन आती थीं। उसका बेटा उसकी देखभाल नहीं करता. उद्गम-कोलकाता मेडिकल इतिहास- शरीर में दर्द उम्र-63

Kalyani Mataji

Kalyani mataji was struggling financially so she came to Vrindavan 70 years back. Her husband is no more. Her son doesn't take care of her. She stays here with her daughter.

Origin- Nabadwip

Medical history- Diabetes


कल्याणी माताजी

कल्याणी माताजी आर्थिक तंगी से जूझ रही थीं इसलिए वे 70 साल पहले वृन्दावन आ गईं। उनके पति अब नहीं रहे. उसका बेटा उसकी देखभाल नहीं करता. वह यहां अपनी बेटी के साथ रहती हैं। उद्गम- नवद्वीप चिकित्सा इतिहास- मधुमेह उम्र-90

Malati Mataji

Malati mataji is residing in Vrindavan since past 5 years. She came here due to her financial condition.

Origin - Burdwan

Medical history- toothache , backpain


मालती माताजी

मालती माताजी पिछले 5 वर्षों से वृन्दावन में निवास कर रही हैं। वह अपनी आर्थिक स्थिति के कारण यहां आई थीं. उद्गम स्थल - बर्दवान चिकित्सा इतिहास- दांत दर्द, पीठ दर्द उम्र-63

Bijali Mataji

Bijali Mataji was struggling financially so she came to Vrindavan 5years back. Her husband is no more and her son is not able to take care of her.

Origin- Kolkata

Medical history- back pain, breathing problem.


बिजली माताजी

बिजली माताजी आर्थिक तंगी से जूझ रही थीं इसलिए वे 5 साल पहले वृन्दावन आ गईं। उनके पति अब इस दुनिया में नहीं हैं और उनका बेटा उनकी देखभाल नहीं कर पा रहा है। उद्गम-कोलकाता मेडिकल इतिहास- पीठ दर्द, सांस लेने में समस्या। उम्र-65

Chaitanya Priya Dasi Mataji

Chaitanya Priya Dasi Mataji is residing in Radha Kund since pst 20 years along with her husband. She doesn't have son. she came her to do bhajan.

Origin -  Assam

Medical Hstory - Body ache

Age - 60

Chaitanya Priya Dasi Mataji

Ila Mataji

Ila mataji is residing in Vrindavan since past 15 years. Her husband is no more. Due to financial condition her son are not able to take care of her.

Origin- Assam

Medical history- Thyroid, Diabetes, Weakness


इला माताजी

इला माताजी पिछले 15 वर्षों से वृन्दावन में निवास कर रही हैं। उनके पति अब नहीं रहे. आर्थिक स्थिति के कारण उसके बेटे उसकी देखभाल करने में सक्षम नहीं हैं। उत्पत्ति- असम चिकित्सा इतिहास- थायराइड, मधुमेह, कमजोरी उम्र-55

Bandana Mataji

Bandana mataji is residing in Vrindavan Since past 30 years. Due to financial condition she had to leave her house. Her husband is no more.

Origin- Kolkata

Medical history- Cold , Cough, Body ache

Age- 65

बंदना माताजी

बंदना माताजी पिछले 30 वर्षों से वृन्दावन में निवास कर रही हैं। आर्थिक स्थिति के कारण उन्हें अपना घर छोड़ना पड़ा। उनके पति अब नहीं रहे उद्गम-कोलकाता चिकित्सा इतिहास- सर्दी, खांसी, शरीर में दर्द उम्र- 65

Parvati Mataji

Parvati mataji is residing in Vrindavan since childhood. Her husband is no more. Her son is not capable enough to take care of her.

Medical history- Bodyache


पार्वती माताजी

पार्वती माताजी बचपन से ही वृन्दावन में निवास कर रही हैं। उनके पति अब नहीं रहे. उसका बेटा इतना सक्षम नहीं है कि उसकी देखभाल कर सके. मेडिकल इतिहास- बदनदर्द उम्र-50

Anita mataji

Anita mataji is in Vrindavan since past 20 years. She shifted here with her family due to financial condition.

Origin- Kolkata

Medical history- Cancer


अनिता माताजी

अनिता माताजी पिछले 20 वर्षों से वृन्दावन में हैं। आर्थिक स्थिति ठीक न होने के कारण वह अपने परिवार के साथ यहां शिफ्ट हो गईं। उद्गम-कोलकाता चिकित्सा इतिहास- कैंसर उम्र-59

Shipra Mataji

Shipra mataji is residing in Vrindavan since past 18 years. She came here to do Bhajan Sadhan. Nobody in family to take care.

Origin- Kolkata

Medical history- Breathing Problem, High B.P.


शिप्रा माताजी

शिप्रा माताजी पिछले 18 वर्षों से वृन्दावन में निवास कर रही हैं। वह यहां भजन साधन करने आई थीं. परिवार में देखभाल करने वाला कोई नहीं. उद्गम-कोलकाता मेडिकल इतिहास- सांस लेने में दिक्कत, हाई बी.पी. उम्र-66

Maya Mataji

Maya mataji is residing in Vrindavan since past 50 years. Her husband is no more. Her son doesn't take care of her.

Origin- Murshidabad


माया माताजी

माया माताजी पिछले 50 वर्षों से वृन्दावन में निवास कर रही हैं। उनके पति अब नहीं रहे. उसका बेटा उसकी देखभाल नहीं करता. उद्गम- मुर्शिदाबाद उम्र-75

Aloka Mataji

Aloka Mataji is residing in a Radha Kund since past 30 years. She is unmarried, she came her to do bhajan.

Origin - Vardhman 

Medical History - Asthama

Age - 69

Aloka Mataji

Vishakha Dasi Mataji

Vishakha Dasi Mataji  is residing in Radha Kund since past 13 years.Nobody in her family is taking care of her.

Origin - Malda

Medical History - Headache, Bodyache and hand injury 

Age - 70

Vishakha Dasi Mataji

Swarnalata Ray Mataji

Swarnalata Ray Mataji is residing in a Radha Kund since past 6 years. Her husband is no more and her son doesn't take care of her. She stays in a rented house and pays her rent by doing bhajan.

Origin - West Bengal

Medical History - Eyesight weak,hearing problem and body pain

Age - 61


Swarnalata Ray Mataji

Sarla Dasi Mataji

Sarla Dasi Mataji is residing in Radha Kun since past 18 years. Her husband is no more and her son doesn't take care of her. She stays in a rented house and pays her rent by doing bhajan.

Origin -  Assam

Medical History -  Headache, body pain 

Age - 65

Sarla Dasi Mataji

Biju Mataji

Biju mataji is residing in Vrindavan since past 20 years. She came here to do bhajan sadhan. Her husband is no more and son doesn't take care of her. She lives in a rented house and somehow manages her living.

Origin- W.B.

Medical history- Blurry Vision & B.P.


बीजू माताजी

बीजू माताजी पिछले 20 वर्षों से वृन्दावन में निवास कर रही हैं। वह यहां भजन साधन करने आई थीं. उनके पति अब नहीं रहे और बेटा उनकी देखभाल नहीं करता. वह किराए के मकान में रहती है और किसी तरह अपना गुजारा करती है। उत्पत्ति- डब्ल्यू.बी. चिकित्सा इतिहास- धुंधली दृष्टि और बी.पी. उम्र-70

Usha Mataji

Usha mataji is residing in Vrindavan since past 15yrs. Her son doesn't take care of her. Her husband is no more.

Origin- Kolkata

Medical -Not able to sit and stand properly


उषा माताजी

उषा माताजी पिछले 15 वर्षों से वृन्दावन में निवास कर रही हैं। उसका बेटा उसकी देखभाल नहीं करता. उनके पति अब नहीं रहे. उद्गम-कोलकाता मेडिकल - ठीक से बैठने और खड़े होने में सक्षम नहीं उम्र-70

Rasawati Dasi Mataji

Rasawati Dasi Mataji is residing in Radha Kund since past 50 yrs. Her husband is not able to work. They stays in a rented house and she pays their rent by doing bhajan.

Medical History - High blood pressure,body pain

Age - 70

Rasawati Dasi Mataji

Seema Dasi Mataji

Seema Dasi Mataji is residing in radha kund since past 30 years. She stays in a rented house.

Origin - West Bengal

Medical History - Diabetes, Body ache

Age - 68

Seema Dasi Mataji

Kavita Dasi Mataji

Kavita Dasi Mataji is residing in Radha Kund since past 16 years.She is unmarried. She stays in a rented house.

Origin - Assam

Medical History - Body pain 

Age - 60

Kavita Dasi Mataji

Manju Debnath Mataji

Manju Debnath Mataji is residing in Radha Kund since past 11 years. she came here to do bhajan. she stays in a rented house and pays her rent by doing bhajan.

Origin - Kolkata

Medical History - Body ache 

Age -  70

Manju Debnath Mataji

Usha Sayray Mataji

Usha Sayray Mataji is residing in Radha Kund since past 15 years. She came her to do bhajan. She stays in a rented house.

Origin -  West Bengal

Medical History -  High Blood Pressure, headache and body ache

Age - 85

Usha Sayray Mataji

Lalita Dasi Mataji

Lalita Dasi Mataji came to Radha Kund 12 yrs back. She staying in a rented house. Her husband is not taking care of her and she doesn't have any son.

Origin - Puraliya 

Medical History - Body ache

Age - 60

Lalita Dasi Mataji

Rita Rani Dasi Mataji

Rita Rani Dasi Mataji is residing in a Radha Kund since past 10 years along with her family.

Origin - Agartala

Medical History - High blood pressure, body pain 

Age - 67

Rita Rani Dasi Mataji

Shobha Giri Mataji

Shobha Dasi Mataji is residing in Radha Kund since past 6 years. She doesn't have anyone to look after her. She stays in a rented house and pays her rent by doing bhajan. 

Origin - Medinipur

Medical History - Left hemiplegia

Age - 56

Shobha Giri Mataji

Laxmi Dasi Mataji

Laxmi Dasi Mataji is residing in Radha Kund since past 30 years. Her husband is no more and her son doesn't take care of her. She is staying in a rented house.

Origin - West Bengal

Medical History - High blood pressure, sugar and knee pain.

Age -  72

Laxmi Dasi Mataji

Sushila Mataji

Sushila Mataji is residing in Radha Kund since past 25 years. She stays in a rented house.

Origin - Malda

Medical History - Body  ache, skin diseases

Age - 70

Sushila Mataji

Manju Pal Mataji

Manju Pal Mataji is residing in radha kund since past 13 years. She lives in a rented house.

Origin - Kolkata

Medical History - She is severely ill, She has undergone 2 operations. 

Age - 69

Manju Pal Mataji

Sundara Dasi Mataji

Sundara Dasi Mataji is residing in Radha Kund since past 16 years. Her husband left her.She stays in a rented house. She doesn't have anyone to look after her.

Origin - Puraliya 

Medical History - Body ache  

Age - 60

Sundara Dasi Mataji

Manju Dasi Mataji

Manju Dasi Mataji is residing in Radhakund since past 10 years. She left her home and came here to do bhajan. Noboby in her family take care of her. She is living in a rented house.

Origin - Birbhum

Medical History - Asthama, soreness and body ache.

Age - 65

Manju Dasi Mataji

Bharti Debnath Mataji

Bharti Debnath Mataji is residing in a Radha Kund since past 1 year.

Origin - Nadiya jila 

Medical History - Headache, Bodyache

Age - 70

Bharti Debnath Mataji

Nibha Mondal Mataji

Nibha Mondal Mataji is residing in a Radha Kund since past 2 years. She came her to do bhajan. Her husband is no more and her son doesn't take care of her. She stays in a rented house.

Origin - Hugli jila

Medical History -  High blood pressure, gas problem and body pain

Age - 61

Nibha Mondal Mataji

Sandhya Mistry Mataji

Sandhya Mistry Mataji is residing in a Radha Kund since 3 years. Her husband left her and married another women. Son doesn't take care of her.

Origin - Kolkata 

Medical History - Thyroid, diabities and body pain

Age -  60


Sandhya Mistry Mataji

Pramila Mondal Mataji

Pramila Mondal Mataji is residing in a Radha Kund since past 22 years. She came her to do bhajan. Her husband is no more and son doesn't take care of her. 

Origin - Kolkata

Medical History - Bodyache

Age - 66

Pramila Mondal Mataji

Saraswati Das Mataji

Saraswati Das Mataji is residing in a Radha Kund since past 20 years. She came here to do bhajan. Her husband is no more and son doesn't take care of her. She stays in a rented house.

Origin - Medinipur

Medical History - Bodyache

Age -  70

Saraswati Das Mataji

Laxmi Dasi Mataji

Laxmi Dasi Mataji  is residing in a Radha Kund since past 15 years. She came here to do bhajan. She stays in a rented house.

Origin - Medinipur

Medical History - High blood pressure 

Age - 70

Laxmi Dasi Mataji

Jyotsna Adhikari Mataji

Jyotsna Dasi Mataji is residing in a Radha Kund since past 7 years. Her husband and son are no more.She is staying in rented house and pays her rent by doing bhajan.

Origin - West Bengal

Medical History -  Bodyache

Age - 69


Jyotsna Adhikari Mataji

Bijli Pal Mataji

Bijli Pal Mataji is residing in a Radha Kund since past 7 years.She stays in a rented house and pays her rent by doing bhajan.

Origin - Puraliya 

Medical History - Low blood pressure 

Age -  62

Bijli Pal Mataji

Alamati Sana Mataji

Alamati Sana Mataji is residing in a Radha Kund since past 5 years. Nobody is there in her family to look after her.

Origin - Nainital 

Medical History - Cough, gas problem and bodyache

Age - 60

Alamati Sana Mataji

Bakuli Dasi Mataji

Bakuli Dasi Mataji  is residing in a Radha Kund since past 3 years. Her husband is no more. She stays in a rented house and pays her rent by doing bhajan. 

Origin -  West bengal

Medical History - Headache, high blood pressure

Age -  65

Bakuli Dasi Mataji

Bimala Barman Mataji

Bimala Barman Mataji is residing in a Radha Kund since past 10 years. She came here to do bhajan. Her husband left her. She doesn't have anyone to look after her.She lives in a rented house.

Origin -  West Bengal

Medical History - Bodyache

Age -  73

Bimala Barman Mataji

Kanika Ray Mataji

Kanika Ray Mataji is residing in a Radha Kund since past 4 years. She came here to do bhajan. She stays in a rented house and pays her rent by doing bhajan.

Origin - Kolkata 

Medical History -  Low pressure, gas problem and bodyache

Age -  70

Kanika Ray Mataji

Minoti Ghosh Mataji

Minoti Ghosh Mataji  is residing in a Radha Kund since past 20 years.She came here to do bhajan. Her husband and son doesn't take care of her. She stays in a rented house.

Origin - Kolkata

Medical History - Gas problem, Body pain

Age -  70

Minoti Ghosh Mataji

Usha Rani Dasi Mataji

Usha Rani Dasi Mataji is residing in a Radha Kund since past 7 years. She came here to do bhajan. She stays in a rented house. Nobody in her family is taking care of her.

Origin -  Kolkata

Medical History - TB, tumor, bodyache

Age - 60

Usha Rani Dasi Mataji

Tripti Dasi Mataji

Tripti Dasi Mataji  is residing in a Radha Kund since past 10 years. She came here to do bhajan. Her son doesn't take care of her. She stays in a rented house. Nobody is there in her family to look after her.

Origin - West Bengal

Medical History -  Bodyache

Age -  67

Tripti Dasi Mataji

Shandhya Sah Mataji

Shandhya Sah Mataji is residing in a Radha Kund. Nobody is there in her family to look after her.

Origin - Kolkata

Medical History - Hearing loss

Age - 75

Shandhya Sah Mataji

Bulbul Dasi Mataji

Bulbul Dasi Mataji is residing in a Radha Kund since past 2 years. Nobody is there in her family to look after her. She stays in a rented house.

Origin - Puraliya 

Medical History -  Bodyache, gas problem

Age -  70

Bulbul Dasi Mataji

Priti Majumdar Mataji

Priti Majumdar Mataji is residing in a Radha Kund since past 10 years. She is umarried. She came here to do bhajan. She stays in a rented house and pays her rent by doing bhajan.

Origin - Tripura 

Medical History - Headache, high blood pressure and gas problem

Age - 50

Priti Majumdar Mataji

Maya Rani Das Mataji

Maya Rani Das Mataji is residing in a Radha Kund since past 5 years. Her husband is no more. She stays in a rented house and pays her rent by doing bhajan.

Origin - Medinipur 

Medical History - Diabetes, headache, bodyache and gas problem

Age -  70

Maya Rani Das Mataji

Bhiva Das Mataji

Bhiva Das Mataji is residing in a Radha Kund since past 3 years. Nobody in her family was taking care of her. Her husband and son doesn't take care of her. She is living in a rented house.

Origin - Vardhman

Medical History -  Diabetes

Age - 53

Bhiva Das Mataji

Rita Dasi Mataji

Rita Dasi Mataji is residing in a Radha Kund since past 18 years. She left her home and came here to do bhajan. She stays in a rented house and pays her rent by doing bhajan.

Origin -  Howrah

Medical History - Normal 

Age - 71

Rita Dasi Mataji

Rebasikder Mataji

Rebasikder Mataji is residing in a Radha Kund since past 15 years. She stays in a rented house.

Origin -  24 Parganas

Medical History - Tumor, low blood pressure, headache and body pain

Age - 64

Rebasikder Mataji

Anjali Dasi Mataji

Anjali Dasi Mataji is residing in a Radha Kund since past 24 years. She came here to do bhajan. Nobody is there in her family to look after her. She stays in a rented house.

Origin - Tripura 

Medical History - Acidity, indigestion and weakness

Age - 59


Anjali Dasi Mataji

Archna Dey Mataji

Archna Dey Mataji is residing in a Radha Kund since past 2 years. Her husband and son doesn't take care of her. She stays in a rented house since past 2 years and pays her rent by doing bhajan.

Origin - Kolkata 

Medical History - Eye problem, Brain problem, Headache and bodyache

Age - 53

Archna Dey Mataji

Geeta pal Mataji

Geeta pal Mataji is residing in a Radha Kund since past 26 years. Her husband is no more. She stays in a rented house.

Medical History - Bodyache and Headache

Age - 70

Geeta pal Mataji

Sulekha Mataji

Sulekha Mataji is residing in a Radha Kund since past 20 years. She came from her home town due to her financial condition. Her husband is no more and son doesn't take care of her.

Medical History - No disease

Age - 60

Sulekha Mataji

Bhavani Dasi Mataji

Bhavani Dasi Mataji is residing in a Radha Kund since past 60 years. Her husband is no more.

Medical history - Bodyache 

Age - 68

Bhavani Dasi Mataji

Sumitra Dasi Mataji

Sumitra Dasi Mataji has been residing in a Radha Kund for many years. She came here to do bhajan. She stays in a rented house.

Medical History - Bodyache

Age - 88

Sumitra Dasi Mataji

Sabita Dey Mataji

Sabita Dey Mataji is residing in a Radha Kund since past 17 years. Her husband and son left her. She stays in a rented house. 

Medical History - Bodyache 

Age - 54

Sabita Dey Mataji

Radha Dasi Mataji

Radha Dasi Mataji is residing in a Radha Kund since past 14 years. She is unmarried.

Origin - Kolkata

Medical History - Bodyache

Age - 79

Radha Dasi Mataji

Asha Dasi Mataji

Asha Dasi Mataji is residing in a Radha Kund since past 20 years.Her Husband doesn't take care of her. 

Origin - Kolkata

Medical History - Diabetes and Bodyache

Age - 65

Asha Dasi Mataji

Indira Dasi Mataji

Indira Dasi Mataji is residing in a Radha Kund since past 26 years. She came here to do bhajan. She stays in a rented house.

Medical History - Soreness in both knees.

Age - 65

Indira Dasi Mataji

Meenakshi Mataji

Meenakshi Mataji is residing in a Radha Kund since past 40 years. She came here to do Bhajan. She stays in a rented house.

Medical History - Gastric stones

Age - 72


Meenakshi Mataji

Laxmi Rani Mataji

Laxmi Rani Mataji is residing in a Radha Kund since past 26 years. Her husband is no more and son doesn't take care of her. She stays in a rented house.

Origin - Kolkata

Medical History - Eye problem

Age - 65


Laxmi Rani Mataji

Vimla Dasi Mataji

Vimla Dasi Mataji is residing in a Radha Kund since past 40 years. Her husband is no more.

Origin - Bihar

Medical History - Bodyache

Age - 84

Vimla Dasi Mataji

Savitri Devi Mataji

Savitri Devi Mataji is residing in a Radha Kund since past 30 years. She came here to do bhajan. She stays in a rented house and pays her rent by doing bhajan.

Origin - Bihar

Medical History - Gas problem and bodyache

Age - 84

Savitri Devi Mataji

Sadhana Pal Mataji

Sadhana Pal Mataji is residing in a Radha Kund since past 9 years along with her husband. Her husband is not able to work and Her son doesn't take care of her. She stays in a rented house.

Origin - Vardhman

Medical History - Eye problem and hand problem

Age - 72

Sadhana Pal Mataji

Gita Dasi Mataji

Gita Dasi Mataji has been residing in Vrindavan for the past 50 years. Nobody is taking care of her.

Origin - Kolkata

Medical History -  Bodyache

Age - 80

Gita Dasi Mataji

Shanti Banerjee Mataji

Shanti Banerjee Mataji has been residing in Vrindavan for the past 10 years. Son doesn't take care of her. Her husband is no more. She stays in a rented house.

Origin - Sonarpur

Medical History - Bodyache and Knee pain

Age - 68

Shanti Banerjee Mataji

Sadhna Dasi Mataji

Sadhna Dasi Mataji has been residing in Vrindavan for the past 25 years.

Origin - Tripura

Medical History - Diabetes, Bodyache

Age - 85

Sadhna Dasi Mataji

Krishna Dasi Mataji

Krishna Dasi Mataji has been residing in Vrindavan for the past 25 years. She came here to do bhajan. Her husband is no more and son doesn't take care of her.

Origin - Medinipur

Medical History - Bodyache, Headache and Eye weakness

Age - 76

Krishna Dasi Mataji

Vimla Mandal Mataji

Vimla Mandal Mataji has been residing in Vrindavan for the past 15 years. Her husband and son are no more. She stays in a rented house. 

Age - 70

Vimla Mandal Mataji

Ashalata Mandal Mataji

Ashalata Mandal Mataji has been residing in Vrindavan for the past 10 years. Her husband is no more. She stays in a rented house.

Medical History - Asthma

Ashalata Mandal Mataji

Pushp Dasi Mataji

Pushp Dasi Mataji has been residing in Vrindavan for the past 30 years. Her husband is no more and son doesn't take care of her.

Origin - Nainital

Medical History - Heart Disease, Asthma and bodyache

Age - 78

Pushp Dasi Mataji

Nayantara Mataji

Nayantara Mataji has been residing in Vrindavan for the past 6 years. She came here due to financial problem.

Origin - Pilibhit ( Uttar Pradesh )

Medical History - High Blood Pressure, Fever

Age - 60


Nayantara Mataji

Usharani Sarkar Mataji

Usharani Sarkar Mataji has been residing in Vrindavan for the past 3 years. Her husband is no more.

Origin - Nawadip

Medical History - Swollen hands and Bodyache.

Age - 70

Usharani Sarkar Mataji

Brijbala Das Mataji

Brijbala Das Mataji has been residing in Vrindavan for the past 16 years. She stays in a rented house.

Medical History - Bodyache, Eye pain, Headache and weakness

Age - 80

Brijbala Das Mataji

Namita Vishwas Mataji

Namita Vishwas Mataji has been residing in Vrindavan for the past 8 years. 

Origin - Malda

Medical History - Eye pain, Body pain

Namita Vishwas Mataji

Minati Chakravarty Mataji

Minati Chakravarty Mataji has been residing in Vrindavan for the past 60 years.Her husband and son are no more.

Origin - Hooghly

Medical History - Thyroid, Bodyache and Headache

Age - 70

Minati Chakravarty Mataji

Shivani Vishwas Mataji

Shivani Vishwas Mataji has been residing in Vrindavan for the past 60 years. Nobody takes care of her. She stays in a rented house.

Origin - Kolkata

Medical History - Bodyache and Eye Operation

Age - 70

Shivani Vishwas Mataji

Rashmi Aishwarya Mataji

Rashmi Aishwarya Mataji has been residing in Vrindavan for the past 25 years.

Origin - Uttarakhand

Medical History - Bodyache

Age - 75 

Rashmi Aishwarya Mataji

Mamta Das Mataji

Mamta Das Mataji has been residing in Vrindavan for the past 12 years. Son doesn't take care of her.

Origin - Bangaon

Medical History - Bodyache and knee pain

Age - 62

Mamta Das Mataji

Mamta Das Mataji

Mamta Das Mataji has been residing in Vrindavan for the past 12 years. Son doesn't take care of her.

Origin - Bangaon

Medical History - Bodyache and knee pain

Age - 62

Mamta Das Mataji

Sunita Mataji

Sunita Mataji has been residing in Vrindavan since childhood. Her husband is no more. 

Origin - Assam

Medical History - Blurry vision, Bodyache and High blood pressure

Sunita Mataji

Sulekha Mataji

Sulekha Mataji has been residing in Vrindavan for the past 15 years. She came here due to financial problem. Her husband is no more and son doesn't take care of her. She stays in a rented house

Origin - Shantipur

Medical History - Blurry vision and Headache


Sulekha Mataji

Sunita Rai Mataji

Sunita Rai Mataji has been residing in Vrindavan for the past 12 years. Her husband is no more. She stays in a rented house.

Origin - Nainital ( Uttarakhand )

Medical History - Asthma and Eye pain.

Age - 66


Sunita Rai Mataji

Champa Das Mataji

Champa Das Mataji has been residing in Vrindavan for the past 5 years. She stays in a rented house. Her husband is no more.

Origin - Kota

Medical History -  Bodyache and Paralysis (first stage)

Champa Das Mataji

Ekadashi Das Mataji

Ekadashi Das Mataji has been residing in Vrindavan for the past 13 years. She stays in a rented house.

Origin - Sunderban

Medical History - Bodyache

Age - 80

Ekadashi Das Mataji

Prabhati Bhairavi Mataji

Prabhati Bhairavi Mataji has been residing in Vrindavan for the past 12 years. Nobody takes care of her.

Origin - Pilibhit

Medical History - Bodyache

Age -  75

Prabhati Bhairavi Mataji

Shobha Rani Mataji

Shobha Rani Mataji has been residing in Vrindavan for the past 23 years. 

Origin - Nainital

Medical History - Bodyache

Age - 73

Shobha Rani Mataji

Meenu Mataji

Meenu Mataji has been residing in Vrindavan for the past 12 years. Her son doesn't take care of her.

Medical History - Bodyache

Meenu Mataji

Meenu Mataji

Meenu Mataji has been residing in Vrindavan for the past 12 years. Her son doesn't take care of her.

Medical History - Bodyache

Meenu Mataji

Suchitra Mataji

Suchitra Mataji has been residing in Vrindavan for the past 10 years. Her husband is no more. She stays in a rented house.

Medical History - Gastrolith and Bodyache


Suchitra Mataji

Shivani Mataji

Shivani Mataji has been residing in Vrindavan for the past 25 years. Her husband is no more and son doesn't take care of her.

Origin - Malda

Medical History - Eye disease

Age - 60

Shivani Mataji

Parvati Dasi Mataji

Parvati Dasi Mataji has been residing in Vrindavan for the past 20 years. She stays in a rented house. Nobody takes care of her.

Origin - Shantipur

Medical History - Bodyache

Age - 60

Parvati Dasi Mataji

Parolata Gayan Mataji

Parolata Gayan Mataji has been residing in Vrindavan for the past 15 years. She is unmarried.

Medical History -  Bodyache

Age -  65

Parolata Gayan Mataji

Arunbala Das Mataji

Arunbala Das Mataji has been residing in Vrindavan for the past 25 years. She came here to do bhajan. Nobody takes care of her.

Origin -  Ganga Sagar

Medical History - Bodyache


Arunbala Das Mataji

Madhvi Shankar Mataji

Madhvi Shankar Mataji has been residing in Vrindavan for the past 17 years. She is unmarried. She stays in a rented house and pays her rent by doing bhajan.

Origin - Malda

Medical History - Bodyache and extreme back pain.

Age - 62

Madhvi Shankar Mataji

Laxmi Dutt Mataji

Laxmi Dutt Mataji has been residing for the past 7 years. She stays in a rented house.

Origin - Vikaspur, Malda

Medical History -  Paralysis and high blood pressure

Age - 70

Laxmi Dutt Mataji

Usha Haldhar Mataji

Usha Haldhar Mataji has been residing in Vrindavan for the past 30 years. Her husband is no more.

Medical History - Thyroid and Bodyache

Age - 70

Usha Haldhar Mataji

Swastirani Das Mataji

Swastirani Das Mataji has been residing in Vrindavan for the past 3 years. Her husband is no more and son doesn't take care of her. She stays in a rented house.

Origin -  Ranaghat, Kolkata

Medical History - Bodyache, Blurry vision and ear pain

Age - 65

Swastirani Das Mataji

Sewa Dasi Mataji

Sewa Dasi Mataji has been residing in Vrindavan for the past 40 years. She came here to do bhajan. Her son doesn't take care of her.

Origin - Shantipur

Medical History - Blurry vision

Age - 80

Sewa Dasi Mataji

Chhaya Mataji

Chhaya Mataji has been residing in Vrindavan for the past 14 years. Her husband is no more.

Medical History - Asthma

Age -  42

Chhaya Mataji

Chhaya Mataji

Chhaya Mataji has been residing in Vrindavan for the past 14 years. Her husband is no more.

Medical History - Asthma

Age -  42

Chhaya Mataji

Safala Vishwas Mataji

Safala Vishwas Mataji has been residing in Vrindavan for the past 5 years. Her husband is no more. She stays in a rented house.

Origin - North 24 Parganas

Medical History -  Thyroid and Bodyache

Safala Vishwas Mataji

Saraswati Vishwas Mataji

Saraswati Vishwas Mataji has been residing in Vrindavan for the past 24 years. She stays in a rented house.

Origin - Shantipur

Medical History -  Bodyache

Age - 79

Saraswati Vishwas Mataji

Suhagi Mataji

Suhagi Mataji has been residing in Vrindavan for the past 6 years. She stays in a rented house.

Origin - Murshidabad

Medical History - Bodyache and blurry vision

Age - 70

Suhagi Mataji

Anjali Adhikari Mataji

Anjali Adhikari Mataji has been residing in Vrindavan for the past 15 years. She stays in a rented house.

Origin - Nadiya

Medical History - Knee pain and Back pain 

Anjali Adhikari Mataji

Kemla Mataji

Kemla Mataji has been residing in Vrindavan for the past 22 years. She came here due to financial problem. She stays in a rented house.

Origin - Puraliya, Bangal

Medical History -  Headache and Weakness

Age - 60

Kemla Mataji

Bhagwati Vishwas Mataji

Bhagwati Vishwas Mataji has been residing in Vrindavan for the past 6 years. She stays in a rented house.

Origin - Nadiya

Medical History -  Bodyache, High blood pressure and Diabetes

Age - 75

Bhagwati Vishwas Mataji

Nila Vishwas Mataji

Nila Vishwas Mataji has been residing in Vrindavan for the past 8 years. She stays in a rented house.

Origin - Kolkata

Medical History -  Body pain and Back injury

Nila Vishwas Mataji

Prabhati Adhikari Mataji

Prabhati Adhikari Mataji has been residing in Vrindavan for the past 15 years. She came here due to financial condition. She stays in a rented house.

Origin - Nadiya

Medical History - Bodyache

Age 55

Prabhati Adhikari Mataji

Anita Singh Mataji

Anita Singh Mataji has been residing in Vrindavan for the past 30 years.

Origin - Bandgaon

Medical History - Cancer 

Anita Singh Mataji

Chapla Mandal Mataji

Chapla Mandal Mataji has been residing in Vrindavan for the past 5 years. Her husband is no more and son doesn't take care of her. She stays in a rented house.

Origin - Pilibhit

Medical History - Bodyache

Age - 70

Chapla Mandal Mataji

Yamuna Sarkar Mataji

Yamuna Sarkar Mataji has been residing in Vrindavan for the past 8 years. She came here due to financial condition.

Origin - Nadiya

Medical History - Bodyache

Age - 60


Yamuna Sarkar Mataji

Renuka Vishwas Mataji

Renuka Vishwas Mataji has been residing in Vrindavan for the past 10 years. Nobody takes care of her.

Origin - Hooghly

Medical History - Knee injury and back injury

Age - 70

Renuka Vishwas Mataji

Thakur Dasi Mataji

Thakur Dasi Mataji has been residing in Vrindavan for the past 13 years.

Origin - Cooch Behar

Medical History - Asthma, 

Thakur Dasi Mataji

Savita Das Mataji

Savita Das Mataji has been residing in Vrindavan for the past 11 years. She came here to do bhajan.

Origin - Nadiya

Medical History - Heart disease

Savita Das Mataji

Basanti Gayan Mataji

Basanti Gayan Mataji has been residing in Vrindavan for the past 25 years. She came here to do bhajan.

Origin - Shantipur

Medical History - Diabetes and Low blood pressure

Age - 55


Basanti Gayan Mataji

Girivala Das Mataji

Girivala Das Mataji has been residing in Vrindavan for the past 30 years. She came here to do bhajan.

Origin - Sunderban

Medical History - High blood pressure and bodyache.

Age - 60 

Girivala Das Mataji

Parvati Sarkar Mataji

Parvati Sarkar Mataji has been residing in Vrindavan for the past 5 years. Her husband left her.

Origin - Kolkata

Medical History - Vitligo

Age - 60


Parvati Sarkar Mataji

Saraswati Dasi Mataji

Saraswati Dasi Mataji has been residing in Vrindavan for the 20 years. Her husband is no more.

Origin - Kolkata

Medical History - Thyroid and Diabetes

Age - 65

Saraswati Dasi Mataji

Ranu Dey Mataji

Ranu Dey Mataji has been residing in Vrindavan for the past 12 years. She came here to do bhajan. She stays in a rented house and pays her rent by doing bhajan.

Origin - Nadiya

Medical History - Bodyache

Age - 65

Ranu Dey Mataji

Parul Dasi Mataji

Parul Dasi Mataji has been residing in Vrindavan for the past 12 years.

Origin - Ranaghat

Medical History - Knee pain and back pain

Age - 70

Parul Dasi Mataji

Bhavani Dasi Mataji

Bhavani Dasi Mataji has been residing in Vrindavan for the past 3 years. She is unmarried.

Origin -  Jharkhand

Medical History - Loss of one eye and ear, Thyroid, Diabetes and High blood pressure

Age -  55

Bhavani Dasi Mataji

Chhavi Rani Mataji

Chhavi Rani Mataji has been residing in Vrindavan for the past 26 years. Her husband is no more and son doesn't take care of her. She stays in a rented house.

Origin - Assam

Medical History - Acidity 

Age - 75

Chhavi Rani Mataji

Chhavi Rani Mataji

Chhavi Rani Mataji has been residing in Vrindavan for the past 26 years. Her husband is no more and son doesn't take care of her. She stays in a rented house.

Origin - Assam

Medical History - Acidity 

Age - 75

Chhavi Rani Mataji

Chhavi Rani Mataji

Chhavi Rani Mataji has been residing in Vrindavan for the past 26 years. Her husband is no more and son doesn't take care of her. She stays in a rented house.

Origin - Assam

Medical History - Acidity 

Age - 75

Chhavi Rani Mataji

Chhavi Rani Mataji

Chhavi Rani Mataji has been residing in Vrindavan for the past 26 years. Her husband is no more and son doesn't take care of her. She stays in a rented house.

Origin - Assam

Medical History - Acidity 

Age - 75

Chhavi Rani Mataji

Shikha Shah Mataji

Shikha Shah Mataji has been residing in Vrindavan for the past 15 years. She stays in a rented house.

Origin - Assam

Medical History - Stomach ulcer and Bodyache

Age - 65

Shikha Shah Mataji

Thakurmuni Dasi Mataji

Thakurmuni Dasi Mataji has been residing in Vrindavan for the past 40 years. She stays in a rented house.

Origin - Puraliya

Medical History - Bodyache and High blood pressure

Age - 75

Thakurmuni Dasi Mataji

Mukti Dinda Mataji

Mukti Dinda Mataji has been residing in Vrindavan for the past 9 years. She stays in a rented house.

Medical History - Bodyache and eye pain

Age - 60

Mukti Dinda Mataji

Pushpa Dasi Mataji

Pushpa Dasi Mataji has been residing in Vrindavan for the past 30 years. Nobody takes care of her.

Origin - Assam

Medical History - Bodyache

Age - 65

Pushpa Dasi Mataji

Radha Dasi Mataji

Radha Dasi Mataji has been residing in Vrindavan for the past 40 years. Her husband left her. She came here to do bhajan.

Origin - Kolkata

Medical History -  Acidity, Weakness and Body pain 

Age - 60

Radha Dasi Mataji

Nayantara Das Mataji

Nayantara Das Mataji has been residing in Radhakund for the past 9 years. She is unmarried because she is handicap. 

Age - 40

Nayantara Das Mataji

Shakuntala Dasi Mataji

Shakuntala Dasi Mataji has been residing in Vrindavan for the past 9 years. Nobody takes care of her.

Origin - Jharkand

Medical History -  Acidity, Bodyache and hand injury.

Age - 45

Shakuntala Dasi Mataji

Alka Dasi Mataji

Alka Dasi Mataji has been residing in Radhakund for the past 30 years.

Origin - Puraliya

Medical History -  Acidity, Low blood pressure and weakness

Age - 55

Alka Dasi Mataji

Priya Dasi Mataji

Priya Dasi Mataji has been residing in Radhakund for the past 40 years. She stays in a rented house.

Medical History - Back injury

Age - 72

Priya Dasi Mataji

Shefali Dasi Mataji

Shefali Dasi Mataji has been residing in Radhakund for the past 17 years. She came here to do bhajan. She is unmarried. She stays in a rented house.

Origin - Nadiya

Medical History - Handicap

Age - 40

Shefali Dasi Mataji

Reeta Dasi Mataji

Reeta Dasi Mataji has been residing in Radhakund for the past 42 years. She is unmarried.

Origin - Ranaghat

Medical History - Acidity and Bodyache

Age - 65

Reeta Dasi Mataji

Sunita Dasi Mataji

Sunita Dasi Mataji has been residing in Radhakund for the past 45 years. She came here to do bhajan Her husband is no more.

Origin - Malda

Medical History - knee pain, High blood pressure and Diabetes

Sunita Dasi Mataji

Kavita Dasi Mataji

Kavita Dasi Mataji has been residing in Radha Kund for the past 6 years. Her husband is no more and son doesn't take care of her. She stays in a rented house.

Medical History - Hand pain

Age - 50

Kavita Dasi Mataji

Bina Devi Mataji

Bina Devi Mataji has been residing for the past 25 years. She is unmarried.

Medical History - Headache, High and low blood pressure

Age - 70


Bina Devi Mataji

Mala Sarkar Mataji

Mala Sarkar Mataji has been residing in Radhakund for the past 20 years. She stays in a rented house.

Origin -  Hooghly

Medical History - Acidity, Weakness and bodyache

Age - 80

Mala Sarkar Mataji

Sukriti Dasi Mataji

Sukriti Dasi Mataji has been residing in Radha Kund for the past 50 years. Nobody takes care of her.

Origin - Agartala

Medical History - Bodyache, Eye inflammation and hearing problem

Sukriti Dasi Mataji

Lila Dasi Mataji

Lila Dasi Mataji has been residing in Radhakund for the past 30 years. She stays in a rented house.

Origin - Vardhman

Age - 76

Lila Dasi Mataji

Prem Dasi Mataji

Prem Dasi Mataji has been residing in Radhakund for the past 40 years. She came here to do bhajan.

Origin - Puraliya

Medical History - Bodyache

Age - 80

Prem Dasi Mataji

Chhaya Dasi Mataji

Chhaya Dasi Mataji has been residing in Radhakund for the past 12 years. She stays in a rented house.

Origin - Tripura

Medical History - Diabetes

Age - 75


Chhaya Dasi Mataji

Sakuntala Dasi Mataji

Sakuntala Dasi Mataji has been residing in Radhakund for the past 16 years. She came here to do bhajan. Her husband is no more.

Origin - Malda

Medical History - Bodyache and Headache

Age - 50

Sakuntala Dasi Mataji

MInati Dasi Mataji

MInati Dasi Mataji has been residing in Radhakund for the past 16 years. She stays in a rented house.

Origin - Krishna nagar

Medical History - Heart disease and Bodyache

Age - 60

MInati Dasi Mataji

Renu Dasi Mataji

Renu Dasi Mataji has been residing in Radhakund for the past 30 years. She stays in a rented house.

Origin - Kalna

Medical History - Liver disease

Age - 60

Renu Dasi Mataji

Arti Bhattacharya Mataji

Arti Bhattacharya Mataji has been residing in Radha Kund for the past 12 years. Her husband is no more. She stays in a rented house.

Medical History - Asthma and Bodyache

Age - 68

Arti Bhattacharya Mataji

Kanan Rishi Mataji

Kanan Rishi Mataji has been residing in Radhakund for the past 3 years. She stays in a rented house.

Origin - Malda

Medical History - Heart disease and bone fracture

Age - 62

Kanan Rishi Mataji

Malina Dasi Mataji

Malina Dasi Mataji has been residing in Radhakund for the past 4 years.

Origin - Assam

Medical History - Bodyache

Age - 65

Malina Dasi Mataji

Subhadra Dasi Mataji

Subhadra Dasi Mataji has been residing in Radhakund for the past 30 years. Her husband got married to someone else. Nobdy takes care of her.


Subhadra Dasi Mataji

Anjana Mataji

Anjana Mataji has been residing in Radha Kund for the past 12 years. She came here to do bhajan.

Origin - Kolkata

Medical History - Acidity

Anjana Mataji

Reba Vishwas Mataji

Reba Vishwas Mataji has been residing in Radha Kund for the past 10 years. Nobody takes of her. She stays in a rented house.

Medical History - Bodyache and blurry vision

Reba Vishwas Mataji

Menkarbala Mataji

Menkarbala Mataji has been residing in Radha Kund for the past 18 years. She came here to do bhajan.

Origin - Orissa

Medical History - Diabetes and Eye operation

Menkarbala Mataji

Radha Rani Mataji

Radha Rani Mataji has been residing in Radha Kund for the past 19 years. She stays in a rented house.

Origin - Tripura

Medical History - Diabetes and Back pain

Age - 65

Radha Rani Mataji

Chhaya Dasi Mataji

Chhaya Dasi Mataji has been residing in Radhakund for the past 10 years. She stays in a rented house.

Origin - Hawda

Medical History - Extreme back pain and body pain

Chhaya Dasi Mataji

Sushma Dasi Mataji

Sushma Dasi Mataji has been residing in Radhakund for the past 30 years

Origin - Orissa

Medical History - Stomach pain and bodyache

Age - 75

Sushma Dasi Mataji

Sushma Dasi Mataji

Sushma Dasi Mataji has been residing in Radhakund for the past 30 years

Origin - Orissa

Medical History - Stomach pain and bodyache

Age - 75

Sushma Dasi Mataji

Beena Devi Mataji

Beena Devi Mataji has been residing in Radhakund for the past 8 years. Her husband is no more and son doesn't take care of her. She stays in a rented house.

Medical History - Bodyache and Headache

Beena Devi Mataji

Malti Mataji

Malti Mataji has been residing in Radhakund for the past 12 years. Her husband is no more.

Medical History - Extreme Body pain

Malti Mataji

Ganga Dasi Mataji

Ganga Dasi Mataji has been residing in Radhakund for the past 22 years. She came here to do bhajan. Her husband is no more and son doesn't take care of her.

Origin - Medinipur

Medical History - Bodyache

Ganga Dasi Mataji

Pramila Sarkar Mataji

Pramila Sarkar Mataji has been residing in Vrindavan for the past 5 years. She came here to bhajan. Her husband is no more. She stays in a rented house.

Origin -  Raiganj

Medical History -  Heart disease and Body pain.

Age - 60

Pramila Sarkar Mataji

Pushpa Mataji

Pushpa Mataji has been residing in Radhakund for the past 10 years. She stays in a rented house.

Origin - Kolkata

Medical History  - Back pain and body pain

Age - 65

Pushpa Mataji

Dipurani Majumdar Mataji

Dipurani Majumdar Mataji has been residing in Radhakund for the past 10 years. She came here to do bhajan. She stays in a rented house.

Origin - Kolkata

Medical History - Diabetes, Acidity and bodyache

Age - 70

Dipurani Majumdar Mataji

Uttara Mataji

Uttara Mataji has been residing in Radhakund for the past 6 years.

Origin - Bengal

Medical History - Bodyache

Uttara Mataji

Kabita Mataji

Kabita Mataji has been residing in Radha Kund for the past 13 years. She stays in a rented house.

Origin - 24 Parganas

Medical History - Low blood pressure

Kabita Mataji

Krishnadasi Mataji

Krishnadasi Mataji has been residing in Radhakund for the past 22 years. She came here to do bhajan. She is unmarried.

Origin - South Dinajpur

Medical History - Body pain


Krishnadasi Mataji

Sundari Dasi Mataji

Sundari Dasi Mataji has been residing in Radhakund for the past 40 years. Her husband got married to someone else.

Origin - Puraliya

Medical History - Fever, Headache, Bodyache and weakness

Sundari Dasi Mataji

Dulari Dasi Mataji

Dulari Dasi Mataji has been residing in Radhakund for the past 18 years. She is unmarried.

Origin -  Malda

Medical History - Heart disease and weakness

Age - 70

Dulari Dasi Mataji

Sandhya Mataji

Sandhya Mataji has been residing in Radhakund for the past 6 years.

Origin - Kolkata

Medical History - Acidity and Knee pain

Sandhya Mataji

Sandhya Dasi Mataji

Sandhya Dasi Mataji has been residing in Radhakund for the past 15 years. She came here to do bhajan.

Origin - Assam

Medical History - Acidity

Sandhya Dasi Mataji

Shanti Dasi Mataji

Shanti Dasi Mataji has been residing in Radhakund for the past 20 years. Her husband and son are no more. She stays in a rented house.

Origin - Tripura

Medical History - Bodyache, hand injury and kidney stone


Shanti Dasi Mataji

Shanti Dasi Mataji

Shanti Dasi Mataji has been residing in Radhakund for the past 20 years. Her husband and son are no more. She stays in a rented house.

Origin - Tripura

Medical History - Bodyache, hand injury and kidney stone


Shanti Dasi Mataji

Dutul Naskar Mataji

Dutul Naskar Mataji has been residing in Radhakund for the past 16 years. She stays in a rented house.

Origin - Kolkata

Medical History - Diabetes and Bodyache

Age - 56

Dutul Naskar Mataji

Kananbala Das Mataji

Kananbala Das Mataji has been residing in Radhakund for the past 16 years.Her husband is no more and son doesn't take care of her. She stays in a rented house.

Medical History -  Low blood pressure and headache

Age - 70

Kananbala Das Mataji

Mona Dasi Mataji

Mona Dasi Mataji has been residing for the past 17 years. Her husband got married to someone else. She stays in a rented house.

Origin - Medinipur

Medical History - Bodyache and Asthma

Mona Dasi Mataji

Shyamali Dasi Mataji

Shyamali Dasi Mataji has been residing in Radhakund for the past 30 years.

Origin - Kolkata

Medical History - Asthma and Diabetes

Age - 60

Shyamali Dasi Mataji

Shachi Rani Das Mataji

Shachi Rani Mataji has been residing in Radha Kund for the past 10 years. She stays in a rented house.

Origin - Assam

Medical History - Hearing problem and Blurry vision

Age - 67

Shachi Rani Das Mataji

Sundari Sarkar Mataji

Sundari Sarkar Mataji has been residing in Radhakund for the past 5 years.

Origin - Belgadiya

Medical History - Heart disease and Urinary problem

Age - 70

Sundari Sarkar Mataji

Anita Dasi Mataji

Anita Dasi Mataji has been residing in Radhakund for the past 12 years.


Anita Dasi Mataji

Biraj Dasi Mataji

Biraj Dasi Mataji has been residing in Radhakund for the past 20 years. She stays in a rented house.

Origin - Puraliya 

Medical History - Headache

Age - 60


Biraj Dasi Mataji

Krishna Dasi Mataji

Krishna Dasi Mataji has been residing in Radhakund for the past 26 years. She stays in a rented house.

Medical History - Head injury and Bodyache

Age - 65

Krishna Dasi Mataji

Tilaka Mataji

Tilaka Mataji has been residing in Radhakund for the past 22 years.

Origin - Pasighat

Age - 60

Tilaka Mataji

Charubana Mataji

Charubana Mataji has been residing in Radhakund for the past 13 years.

Origin - Assam

Medical History - Headache, High blood pressure and Acidity

Age - 72

Charubana Mataji

Rai Dasi Mataji

Rai Dasi Mataji has been residing in Radhakund for the past 25 years. She stays in a rented house.

Origin - Pasighat 

Medical History - Diabetes and Bodyache

Age - 65


Rai Dasi Mataji

Chandra Dey Mataji

Chandra Dey Mataji has been residing in Radhakund for the past 24 years.

Origin - Chandan Nagar

Medical History - Body pain

Age - 66

Chandra Dey Mataji

Amla Mandal Mataji

Amla Mandal Mataji has been residing in Radha Kund for many years. She stays in a rented house.

Medical History - Asthma and Bodyache

Age - 80


Amla Mandal Mataji

Shobha Dasi Mataji

Shobha Dasi Mataji has been residing in Radhakund for the past 23 years. She stays in a rented house.

Origin - Assam

Medical History - Heart disease

Age - 68

Shobha Dasi Mataji

Kalyani Mahato Mataji

Kalyani Mahato Mataji has been residing in Radhakund for the past 4 years. She stays in a rented house.

Origin - Puraliya

Medical History - Heart disease, Acidity and Bodyache

Age - 61

Kalyani Mahato Mataji

Parulbala Malla Mataji

Parulbala Malla Mataji has been residing in Radhakund for the past 12 years. She stays in a rented house.

Origin - Tripura

Medical History - Bodyache, Acidity, Diabetes and high blood pressure

Age - 77

Parulbala Malla Mataji

Jyotsana Dasi Mataji

Jyotsana Dasi Mataji has been residing in Radhakund for the past 45 years. She is unmarried.

Origin - Tripura

Medical History - Acidity and Bodyache

Age - 65

Jyotsana Dasi Mataji

Jamuna Dasi Mataji

Jamuna Dasi Mataji has been residing in Radhakund for the past 5 years. Her husband is no more and son doesn't take care of her. She stays in a rented house.

Origin - Assam

Medical History -  High blood pressure and body pain 

Age - 70

Jamuna Dasi Mataji

Malati Ray Mataji

Malati Ray Mataji has been residing in Radha Kund for the past 12 years. She stays in a rented house.

Origin - Assam

Medical History - Bodyache, Heart disease and digestive problem

Age - 70


Malati Ray Mataji

Luthari Karmakar Mataji

Luthari Karmakar Mataji has been residing in Radha Kund for the past 12 years. She stays in a rented house.

Origin -  Puraliya

Medical History - Bodyache

Age - 65

Luthari Karmakar Mataji

Luthari Karmakar Mataji

Luthari Karmakar Mataji has been residing in Radha Kund for the past 12 years. She stays in a rented house.

Origin -  Puraliya

Medical History - Bodyache

Age - 65

Luthari Karmakar Mataji

Aladi Naskar Mataji

Aladi Naskar Mataji has been residing in Radhakund for the past 4 years. She stays in a rented house.

Origin - Kolkata

Medical History - Body pain

Age - 80

Aladi Naskar Mataji

Geeta Dasi Mataji

Geeta Dasi Mataji has been residing in Radha Kund for the past 17 years. Her husband is no more.She stays in a rented house.

Origin -  Kolkata

Medical History - Bodyache

Age - 77

Geeta Dasi Mataji

Ranjita Das Mataji

Ranjita Das Mataji has been residing in Radhakund for the past 4 years.

Origin - Kakdwip

Medical History - Hand injury and body pain

Age - 60

Ranjita Das Mataji

Rekha Dasi Mataji

Rekha Dasi Mataji has been residing in Radha Kund for the past 15 years.

Origin - Puraliya

Medical History - Headache and Blurry vision

Age - 60

Rekha Dasi Mataji

Savitri Sarkar Mataji

Savitri Sarkar Mataji has been residing in Radhakund for the past 3 years.

Origin - Bengal

Medical History - High blood pressure, Acidity and bodyache

Age - 70

Savitri Sarkar Mataji

Sarla Dasi Mataji

Sarla Dasi Mataji has been residing in Radhakund for the past 25 years.

Origin - Kolkata

Medical History - Asthma and Knee pain

Age - 70

Sarla Dasi Mataji

Namita Mandal Mataji

Namita Mandal Mataji has been residing in Radhakund for the past 1 year.

Origin - Nainital

Medical History - Bodyache

Age -  70

Namita Mandal Mataji

Gayan Maya Mataji

Gayan Maya Mataji has been residing in Radhakund for the past 18 years. She is unmarried.

Origin - Kolkata

Medical History - Asthma

Age - 60

Gayan Maya Mataji

Sandhya Mandal Mataji

Sandhya Mandal Mataji has been residing in Radhakund for the past 2 years. Nobody takes care of her.

Origin - Kolkata

Medical History - Asthma and Body pain

Age - 60


Sandhya Mandal Mataji